I hope you are able to spend some time with your family. Christmas time is always special to me. Matt and Amanda come over from Fredericton. We think of Dianna & Jordan and Mary & Isaac as well at this time and wish that we could have been all together, but that was not to be this year. We hope, the Lord willing to Celebrate all together again next year.
We did have a nice get together with the rest of the Nieuwhof's at Marten and Karen's last Saturday. It was a lot of fun. There was lots of food , as usual, and good company. Amanda decided that it would be a good idea to exchange presents at home too right away. So, that's what we did. It was hard to get Caleb and Damaris to go to bed after that. They wanted to stay up longer and play with all the new toys. Well, that was understandable.
By the time you read this blog, it will likely be Christmas for you as well. I hope you well get to enjoy to time with family as much as I am.
I started a new hobby. Wine making. Finally a hobby that will save me some money. Below is what the first batch of white wine looks like right now. Not that white, is it? It looks more like grape juice at this point. But I'm told this is the normal colour.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you...............