Sunday, November 23, 2008

And then it was winter..........

Winter has arrived on P.E.I. A little early. We were not ready for this yet. Still have quite a bit of plowing left to do. I guess it will be snowplowing now. But it was a great time for the kids to play in the snow. It was great snowman snow. You know, the sticky kind. They had lots of fun with snowball fights. Caleb made a ninja snowman. And Damaris made the Pillsbury snowman.We had about 25 cm of the white stuff. Enough to have some good fun in. Klaas even had to go out and blow snow with the big tractor. Hope he had fun. Just a taste of things to come.
It is supposed to go well above zero this coming week, with 10 to 20 mm of rain coming our way the middle of the week.
I won't mind that so much, but it will make quite a mess everywhere. Oh well, we'll deal with that when the time comes.
Grading is going to start next week as well. The prices are looking good. Hopefully the cullage will not be too high. It is starting to look like a decent year. We pray all will go well this winter, and that we may be content with what we have.
May God bless you this coming week in all your endeavours........

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some pictures of post harvest activities........

Just because digging is over does not mean that all the work is done. We still have about two weeks of outside work to do before we can sit back and relax a little bit. I took a few pictures of that for you.
The first picture showes a field that was covered with hay mulch. We cover the fields to help prevent soil erosion. Marten has been at this for the last couple of days. He was working to far away to get a picture of him doing it. But here is the result anyway. Looks like the field is nicely covered.
In this picture, Tineke is ripping up the headland. The heavy truck tracks left in the field from harvesting get loosened up again.And then we get to the plowing. Klaas and I are at it with two plows. A lot of times we are going behind one another. It gets a little complicated at the ends sometimes. But we have got that down to a science. I drive in the back, and never have to stop. Klaas seems to be able to get in the furrow again before I complete my loop on the headland.
Later in the day we had some sea gulls over for a snack. They took off an hour or so later and left lots of tips, mostly on the windows.........

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy times on the farm...........

Hi there all you faithfull readers. Glad you are still checking up on me. We finished digging on November the 6 th. And now it is time to clean up around everywhere before the snow falls. There is plowing to do, balebusting, manure spreading trying to figure out how to ventilate all the different piles of potatoes. All the buildings are full to the door. So today we started grading some today. And slowly we will get more room again.
We finished harvesting the greenhouse yesterday. Nice stuff for planting.
I will try to take some pictures of the yard out back. All the machinery that is normally in the shed, is parked outside. Machinery everywhere. You can hardly turn around. I hope you all have a great weekend............