Saturday, October 27, 2007

Digging carrots at Blue Bay Farms Ltd...............

I thought that I would try to upload a video of digging from my camera. So, here goes.............Sorry, tried,and didn't work. So the next bit of text goes with the above video's.
This is the carrot harvester, it can also be used to harvest potatoes. We can harvest about twenty acres of carrots in a good day. The yield is about one tractor trailer of carrots from one acre. That means a lot of carrots from 150 acres. This other machine is the windrower. As the name suggests, it digs carrots unto windrows. The harvester comes by after and picks them up. We dug a few more truckloads today. And also loaded five tractor trailer with carrots. The plan is to start full speed on Monday. Hopefully the weather will stay nice. We had beautifull digging weather today. Next week is supposed to be quite a bit colder. But then again, it is almost November. So we can expect some cooler weather. All the equipment is running good. We are getting into our respected grooves again. It took a few loads, but it is just like riding a bike. The crop looks great. We are all healthy hear and doing well. Most of the leaves have fallen from the trees now. The lawn is still very green though. Elisabeth mowed the lawn yet today. We are supposed to get some night frost on Monday and Tuesday night. That should take care of the mowing. The barn is kind of empty now. I was in it this afternoon. We were just thinking back on all the laying hens, meatchickens, piggies, lambs that were raisewd in there. And the sheep, cows for milk and meat we kept, and of course our horses. A little trip down memory lane. And now it is all empty but for the mice and raccoons. But they are no fun to play with.
I tried the videos, they work on my site but I don't know if they will work for you.
So here are some pictures.
Here Tineke uses the rubber flail topper to clean the tops of the carrots.

This is the windrower, it is operated by Klaas. It digs three rows and dumps them on top of three rows beside.
Then the digger comes by and picks up those rows and puts them in the truck.Here all three of us in one picture, hard at work.
The truck takes the carrots home, where Marten and the crew transfer them unto tractor trailers.

Anyway, that is the general idea. Hope the video works for you. I know that the pictures will work. Wishing you all a great weekend. God Bless you all.


Matt n Amanda said...

Hey Dad,
Sorry I missed last nights post! I am so glad that you wrote on your blog again. The videos didnt work for me but I could still imagine it. Is the digger driving itself these days or did you forget to mention the best digger driver ever? Have a really great weekend and hopefully I will talk to you soon otherwise I will see you next weekend! Love you SOO much Dad!
Love Amanda

Karen Nieuwhof said...

Hi Randall. Nice pictures. and the video works! Cool. I'll have to make sure Marten sees this. I can tell by the number of trucks that pass my window just how busy you are.
Sorry I had to mess up Friday nights plans. I'll look forward to an evening with you all after digging.
Take care, Karen